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Sunshine For Days

It's here!  The sunny stretch, that is!  It's here to stay throughout the weekend.

A cold front has blasted through Southern New England overnight, which induced some powerful storms to the northwest of  Boston.  These storms weakened and dissipated while approaching the coastline.  Winds have now shifted to the northwest inducing some 'cool' air advection.

Sunshine is the story of the day with northwest winds blowing at a 5-15 mph clip. Highs will be in the upper 60s to lower 70s.  In general, it's going to be a beautiful Spring day.

Friday will be another beauty with a seabreeze kicking in during the afternoon. As we know, this means cooler high temps for the coast...65-70F. Inland neighborhoods will climb into the 70-75F range.

This weekend is aiming to compete with the nearly flawless Mother's Day weekend!  A seabreeze will develop on both days.Saturday will be sunny with highs near 80F....70s coast.  Sunday will be even warmer as inland locales soar into the lower 80s while the coast remains in the 70s.

An inverted trough slips into the area early next week. It looks like we will squeeze out a dry day on Monday, but showers could arrive as early as Monday evening.  Tuesday will include showers and a few storms as the inverted trough and frontal boundary hover near Southern New England. A cold front will also create a few showers and storms on Wednesday.

Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching. Let's hope for a beauty like last weekend and the upcoming weekend as well.

One Alarm Clock Away...

~Melissa :)



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