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Summer 'Doldrums'

The quiet weather, sunshine and low humidity, will prevail as we edge our way closer to the last weekend of August.  The beginning of Meteorological Fall is nearing, which is September 1.

Today->A weak shortwave at 500H may create a few puffy cumulus this afternoon. Additionally, a stalled front offshore continues to sling high clouds far enough north to decorate the sky near Cape Cod/Islands.  Otherwise, it's going to be another sun-filled day with highs reaching the middle 80s inland...75-80F coast.

Thursday and Friday will be the result of warm air advection and the jestream flattening out into a zonal position.  Highs will be 85-90F on both days besides the coast being a tad cooler with weak seabreezes kicking in during the afternoon.

The zonal jet starts to amplify and supply ridging for Southern New England this weekend.  That being said, a surface high will position itself in such a way that winds will turn onshore from the east and southeast for the entire weekend. So, the coast will mainly be stuck in the 70s while inland neighborhoods will climb into the lower 80s.  Saturday will be gorgeous with plentiful sunshine while an inverted trough offshore on Sunday will create a cloudier appearance.

The dry stretch will hang tough through Monday before a cold front will be trekking eastward. This will bring us our next chance of showers and storms late-day Tuesday.

Tropical Update: Tropical Storm Isaac developed yesterday.  The current forecast has it reaching the southern tip of Florida early next week. Until then, it will be affecting the Antilles, PR, DR, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba.  It's currently expected to reach hurricane status before the weekend makes its arrival.

***Night sky observers:  The Int'l Space Station will be visible for ~3-5 minutes over the next few nights. This link has the details.

~Melissa :)



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