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"Take pride in their town" Music teacher Michael Gorgone brings Sudbury together with fun videos

Sudbury music teacher brings town together with fun videos
Sudbury music teacher brings town together with fun videos 01:44

SUDBURY - There's an electric feeling going around Peter Noyes Elementary School in Sudbury. It's led by the music teacher Michael Gorgone or, "Mr. G," as the students call him.

"I just get to have fun with the kids every single day. Singing, dancing, playing games and just enjoying life", Gorgone told WBZ-TV. 

But it's all due to the music videos that he started producing at home during the pandemic to connect with his students virtually.

"They seemed to love it and it was a nice way for me to stay creative during a time when we're all stuck at home," he said. When they got back in person, he thought it was only natural to get all the students, staff and even the community involved. 

"The videos taken on a life of its own, basically. I think it's just kind of fun to highlight the town that we live in and we work in. I know that people in Sudbury, they take pride in their town and so it's fun to highlight that," he explained. 

Michael Gorgone gets students and staff and even members of the community involved in his music videos. Michael Gorgone

Since he learns all the instruments in the songs and has to coordinate an entire school with a music video, they take two to three months to make and drop three times a year. 

"As soon as the video is done, the next day they want to know when we're making the next video. The hard part is always trying to figure out how I'm going to out-do the last video," he said. 

Gorgone has been working at the school for the last 17 years, since he graduated college. His teaching instills a love of music and fun in every student. He told us that the kids love being in the music videos. 

"They really ham it up. As soon as the camera comes on it's like who's going to be in front, who's going to be in the scene the most," he said. His goal every day is for the students to walk out of class with a smile on their face. And for the staff, he said recording the videos always makes everyone laugh. 

"I really feel like it's brought our school together,  a lot of school spirit here at Peter Noyes just based off of these videos," he said. 

Gorgone said he hopes that when he eventually retires that the next music teacher will continue the tradition of making the videos.

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