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Videos show close whale encounters in Boston Harbor

Stunning videos show close whale encounters in the Boston Harbor
Stunning videos show close whale encounters in the Boston Harbor 02:04

BOSTON -- There were incredible encounters with whales in the Boston Harbor on Monday morning.

Joe Fabiano and Paula Brogna of Winthrop captured a great video of a whale breaching. The two were out on the water fishing around 5 a.m. when the whale suddenly jumped out the water.  

"We heard a big splash. We looked over but there were no other boats in the area, but the waves were breaking. So, it was kind of strange to be, it was very flat," Fabiano said.  "So then not even a minute later, we noticed a fin come out of the water and he started jumping. So looked like he was chasing all the baitfish."

"She wanted to go far away. I wanted to get closer. That's how it goes," Fabiano said.  

There was also another whale sighting in the harbor Monday morning, with the whale breaching right next to a boat. 

It's the latest in several close encounters with whales off the Massachusetts coast. Just last week the Plymouth Harbormaster warned boaters to be aware of the whales after one breached and landed on a boat. 

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