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Stuck in the Cool and Clouds

A stalled front lies south of New England today. A wave of low pressure rode along this front overnight and early this AM for a period of locally heavy rain. Eastern MA has seen 1-2" of rain this weekend. Luckily, the heaviest of the rain is now over with and we can look forward to a somewhat drier afternoon...despite chilly NE winds locking in the drizzle and fog and temps in the 50's. It feels more like April than June...never a good thing in these limited summer weekends.

Any talk of seeing the warm sector sneak into CT, or RI is long gone today. The front is going nowhere and we are certainly on the cooler and more dismal side of it...while to our south, cities are roasting in the 80's. A cold front will be approaching for the late afternoon and evening. This may trigger a few afternoon showers or a thunderstorm west, but it appears our best chance of showers with this front will be in the evening. Not nearly as heavy as the rain of last night...quick passing.

A closed upper low will dig in over New England in the Mon-Wed timeframe. As shortwaves rotate around the upper low, considerable clouds and periodic light showers will be possible. The trough and cool onshore winds will inshore temps running below normal as well. Monday looks like a fairly dry day with even a few breaks of sun south as we could get into a dry slot. instability showers should fire up in the afternoon..especially N & W. Tuesday looks like another cloudy cool raw day with NE winds. with periodic showers and drizzle as the Upper low spins just offshore.

By Wednesday, the trough and upper low start to push a little further offshore. Still plenty of cloud cover, or an instability shower...especially if the sun starts to beak by the afternoon. Temps still run cool but climb into the 60's if there are any breaks. Weak high pressure with an upper level ridge shift east for a good day Thursday and more normal temps in the 70's.  Another will approach for the end of the week to provide rain...but it is hard to say how quickly this will move in or out. Friday turns wet...the question is how quickly we can dry by Saturday.

Not much warmth for the week ahead but after next weekend...the pattern should turn to a warmer ridge along the eastern seaboard for some improved weather to salvage the month.

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