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Storm Cleanup Continues

BOSTON (CBS) -- The storm is over, but you are still going to see an occasional snow plow on the highway.

According to State Highway Commissioner Louisa Paiewanski, their work is not done yet. She said the roads are in much better shape than yesterday, but crews will be out making sure pavement and road markers are visible.


WBZ News Radio's Rod Fritz talks with Paiewanski.

In the city of Boston, Mayor Tom Menino praised the public works crews for doing a good job removing the snow from city streets.

Menino said they city towed over 500 cars, but there were no real major problems reported yesterday.

For today, Menino is urging people to take public transportation to ease congestion on narrower-than-usual city streets.

He also has a reminder for those digging out their cars this morning: "When you dig out, don't throw (the snow) on the street, put it to the side."


WBZ News Radio's Rod Fritz talks with Menino.

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