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Spring Tease

What a beautiful Full 'Snow' Moon this morning! 

Many backyards reached 60F+ degrees yesterday, and today the beat goes on!  It's the last day of the thaw.  High temperatures are tricky today due to the amount of cloud cover. My best guess leads me to believe the majority of Metrowest will reach 60-65F degrees this afternoon.  I think temperatures will be slightly cooler in the upper 50s for the Cape/Islands with a stronger southwest breeze today.  Otherwise, the record high in the Boston today is 66F (1981), and the record high in Worcester is 63F (1981).  I don't believe we will beat these records, but we will be very close.

Watch Melissa's forecast:

*This weekend:  It will be a 'shocka' tomorrow as you step outside.  30s return for the weekend. Upper lever energy (shortwave) at the 500mb level will produce a few flurries and snow showers (mainly in Northern New England/higher elevations). Otherwise, Saturday will be partly cloudy to partly sunny with  highs in the mid 30s. It will also be windy with gusts up to 50mph from the northwest.  Sunday will include plentiful sunshine with highs again in the 30s. 

*Presidents' Day:  We will have light rain/snow showers.  Those areas with all snow may receive a few inches of snow from this 'Colorado Low'.  Highs will hover in the middle to upper 30s.

*Star Gazers: link will give you details about what you are observing in the night sky.  Enjoy! :)

Melissa :)

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