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Special Dirt Bike Stolen From Lowell Boy

LOWELL (CBS) - Dylan Thompson is a bright and engaging ten-year-old who loves to ride his dirt bike. Or least he did, until this weekend.

"When I was coming home from the dog park, it just wasn't there," Dylan said. "Just the helmet, the helmet was just on the ground."

The Lowell family usually kept Dylan's bike on the porch, but that night they moved it since the porch was being repaired. They covered it with a big tarp, but someone stole it anyway.

Because of Dylan's illness, he's about a foot shorter and 40 pounds lighter than most kids his age -- which is why this bike was so awesome.

Dylan got the bike a couple years ago, after he helped to raise more than $6,000 for the Children's Tumor Foundation, which helps kids like him who suffer from a disease called Neurofibromatosis.

"He got to ride it around while everyone cheered him on and that was his motorcycle," explained his mom Dawn. "He kept his helmet on, he took good care of it. Yeah, that was his bike."

A regular bike can be too tough for him to pedal, and he's not always strong enough to keep it balanced. But this bike was perfect.

Dylan's illness has robbed him of hearing in one ear and has made him partially blind in one eye. He also lacks depth-perception and has no peripheral vision. He can't ride his bike on the city streets where he lives, but in the wide open fields where he and his family go camping, he was able to let loose.

"It was really fun, it went really fast like a real motorcycle," he explained. "When I saw it gone, I didn't know who would do such a thing that bad."

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