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South Boston Condo Building Makes Safety Changes After Penthouse Murders

BOSTON (CBS) - For the first time since the murder of two doctors in their home, a couple hundred residents of a South Boston condo building came together for a private meeting. They talked about how to cope with the tragedy and security.

A sign of the raw emotions among the residents of the Macallen building, trauma counselors and a therapy dog were among those in attendance.

"Tensions are a little high because it's normal to be concerned what happened, how it happened," said resident Alex Lopez.

Lina Bolanos and Richard Field were killed Friday night in their 11th floor penthouse.

"I'm OK. I've got a family. We've spoken with the children, been very obvious and open," said Lopez.

The building's board organized the meeting. Police and representatives from the building's relatively new security company were also on hand.

"There were questions about security. If security was really the problem," said Lopez.

Police arrested Bampumim Teixeira. He is in the U.S. on a green card and previously worked as a concierge at the building.

He was just released from prison for two unarmed bank robberies. His crime and less than a year prison sentence did not elevate him to possible deportation status.

Boston Mayor Walsh is closely following the story. "I don't think he should have been out on the streets, but I don't have all the details," said Walsh.

Right now, those who lived alongside the doctors are coming together as a community.

"It's a horrible random situation that we've been thrust into and we are doing the best we can," said Lopez.

Already some security changes have been made such as security officers hours have been extended, outside workers must show photo I.D. and service elevators will be locked.

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