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Snow Could Hit 2 Feet In Some Areas, Coastal Flooding Still A Concern

BOSTON (CBS) - Wow. That is about all I can say at this point.

It has now been more than 48 hours since many towns saw their first flakes and we are still going strong.

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And the most remarkable part of this whole event, the actual storm is about 600 miles away from Boston! The low pressure center is 600 miles directly east of Virginia Beach and several hundred miles south of Sable Island, absolutely nowhere near New England.

Snow totals are widely variable throughout the region with just a few inches in some areas all the way up 12-to-24 inches in parts of Worcester County and southeastern Massachusetts.

Read: Ask The Weather Team

Yet, a plume of precipitation continues to stretch several hundred miles from well out over the Atlantic right into southern New England. No man or weather model could possibly forecast a storm like this, it is truly an unprecedented weather event in our history.

So when does it all end?

We are waiting for a piece of energy, currently diving through the mid-Atlantic at upper levels of the atmosphere to be captured by the ocean storm and then the whole system will begin to pull away.

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This will not happen in earnest until this evening. However, we will see the snowfall finally begin to taper from north to south during this afternoon. In fact, as the precipitation ends, it may flip to light rain in spots as temperatures finally begin to rise a few degrees.

There is one more high tide of concern tonight, occurring around 8:30 p.m.

The forecast is for mainly minor to at worst moderate coastal flooding, much less significant than this morning but adding insult to injury for sure.

Winds and seas will gradually slacken off through the weekend and our temperatures will rebound well into the 40's Saturday and Sunday.

So there is your silver lining. No real cold air to follow this storm and lots of melting right through next week.

A good portion of this snow will be out of here by the end of the weekend.

And don't forget, we turn the clocks ahead at 2 a.m. Sunday. Sunset on Sunday is 6:45 p.m.

You can follow Terry on Twitter at @TerryWBZ.

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