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Snow Psyche

NORTH ATTLEBORO (CBS) – It doesn't seem to matter how long you've called New England home.

In fact, the longer you have lived here, the more right you may have to complain about this winter's weather.

Even people who have called Massachusetts home for their entire lives say this winter will be one they talk about for years, thanks to the relentless, week-after-week snowfall.

WBZ-TV's Jim Armstrong reports from North Attleboro.

WBZ-TV toured the Attleboros today, talking to frustrated homeowners as they dug the face of plows that pushed loads of fresh snow back into their driveways and the word that more snow is in the forecast.

Even the hardiest New Englanders told us they'd at least like a longer break in between storms, so that the accumulation has time to melt. But mother nature is not cooperating.

The general agreement seemed to be that a little bit of severe winter weather goes a long way. People who were happy to see snow a few weeks have long since tired of shoveling.

At the same time, there are those who don't mind the digging out; they say it's all part of calling yourself a true New Englander.

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