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Snow Expected For Weekend

BOSTON (CBS) - Another weekend and another potential snowfall.

Why does it seem like they always happen on weekends and holidays?

Here is the latest on what you can expect this weekend.

A storm system is currently sliding south from Canada into the parts of the Midwest. This storm will move through the Ohio Valley and by Thursday night start to transfer its energy to the coast, just off the Jersey Shore.

The storm will travel well south and east of Nantucket on Friday, but will be strengthening all the time. The core of the storm will remain far enough offshore to spare New England from any major snow and wind.

However, there will likely be a band of snow (what we call a Norlun trough) which will develop Friday night and early Saturday and will extend several hundred miles west from the storm.

Watch Melissa Mack's forecast

The big question which remains is how strong this band of snow will be and where it will setup. Right now, most weather models show this band forming south of New England, bringing steady snowfall to parts of the Mid Atlantic.

It does remain possible that the trough could set up farther north, somewhere in southern New England and bring a moderate accumulation to a small area.

Overall accumulations at this point appear to be very light, anywhere from nothing to a few inches, with the exception being that band of snow which could drop three-to-six inches.

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