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Six Flags New England Opens This Weekend

BOSTON (CBS) - Six Flags New England is kicking off the 2012 season on Saturday by collecting donations for Dakin and the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

Guests are being asked to donate items from a pet supply list (see below). In exchange, they will receive a coupon for $20.12 ticket that can be used for either day this weekend.

The theme park will host a meet and greet with the author of Toto the Tornado Kitten, who will do a special reading of his book on both days. The readings will take place on the Kidzpolois stage at 2 p.m.

Pet Supply List:

Non-scoopable cat litter
KMR Kitten Formula
2 oz. pet nursing bottles
Chicken or turkey or all- meat baby food (human) for sick kittens
Pate- style canned kitten food
Snuggle Safe heating discs
Snuggly baby blankets or polar fleece bedding
Plastic cat carriers
Fleece blankets
Advantage or Revolution flea treatments
Large Greenies treats
Easy Cheese (spray cheese)
Antibacterial hand soap
Laundry Detergent
Dish Soap
Facial and bathroom tissue
Rubber Gloves
Industrial mop heads

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