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Schilling's First Video Game Hits Stores

BOSTON (CBS) - Curt Schilling has moved on from the "Old Ballgame" to the video game world.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Rod Fritz reports.


Schilling's new video game, "Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning," which is a fantasy adventure set in a mythical world, was released at midnight on Tuesday. It's available for PC, X-BOX 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles.

Schilling's Rhode Island-based company 38 Studios produced the game.

"We set out a goal to be the No. 1 entertainment company in the world," said Schilling. "It's going to take time, we get that. But, when you put really amazing talented together, and you allow them to do what it is they do best, special stuff happens, and that's really what Reckoning is."

The former Red Sox pitcher signed copies of the game when it was released at a GameStop in Bellingham.

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