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Scattered PM Storms Bring In A Midweek Beauty...But Will It Last?

Early morning showers and storms rolled through from 4 AM-7 AM  along with a warm front which has pushed north of the Pike. These storms came with heavy rain where communities received between .25-.50" in just a matter of 15 minutes which creates some road flooding along with frequent lightning. Towns like Taunton, New Bedford, Falmouth and Vineyard Haven saw the worst of it early this morning.

Now, hazy sunshine is emerging behind this warm front with warming westerly winds. Highs will quickly be climbing into the upper 80's and Lwr 90's this afternoon. Dewpoints will be very humid in the upper 60's and Lwr 70's. With an approaching cold front this afternoon, there will be enough moisture, lift and instability to trigger scattered afternoon thunderstorms. The area which we have been outlining for the best chance of stronger storms forming or maybe even severe weather is across Eastern MA and RI during the hours of 2-6 PM. Storms will be very hit or miss so not everyone will see them. Any storm which does develop will come with a briefly heavy downpour, small hail, gusty winds and frequent lightning.

Once this front is off the coast tonight, much drier, less humid and comfortable air will come rushing in tonight with breezy NW winds as lows will fall into the Lwr 60's with clearing skies. High pressure west of New England will keep the breezy comfortable air rushing into the region Wednesday for a Midweek Beauty of weather. High will climb into the Lwr 80's in the sunshine.

Questions begin to develop once the high pulls off the coast. Warm air will try to return back at us with SW winds by Thursday with a warm front. Blocking in the upper levels of the atmosphere will slow this front from it's northward progress where it will stall near us to end the week. Where this front ultimately stalls and sets up will have a huge impact to how warm SNE can become and where the batches of precipitation will eventually fall. A few waves of low pressure with then proceed to ride along this front, to provide periodic chances for showers and even steadier downpours.  Needless to say.. a few good rainy days will be appreciated & could go a long way for the drying lawns. Unfortunately this is a pattern which could keep it a bit unsettled heading into the weekend. This far out, there will be variability in timing the chances of showers. For now, all we can say with any real confidence is the chance for periodic showers from Thursday PM off and on through Sunday with cooler temps in the 70's. There is a real chance for picking up about 1-3" of rainfall by next weekend.

My wife keeps asking me.."When will just have a lazy rainy day?" Her wish may finally be granted after such a dry but awesome July.

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