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'Christian's Team' Among Thousands Walking For Samaritans, Suicide Prevention

BOSTON (CBS) - People from all over the Boston area are getting ready to lace up their sneakers, and support the work of the Samaritans, to try and prevent suicides. This Saturday is the 20th Samaritans 5K Walk/Run. Thousands of people will raise money to support the non-profit, including Christian's Team.

"Christian was, he was a fun guy. He always lit up a room," says Nicole Moustafa as she remembers her cousin Christian. "He was very generous in giving to his family, and he was like a big brother to all of us."

Christian's Team
Christian and Nicole (Family photo)

Christian was 30 years old when he committed suicide, in 2005. "He suffered in silence with some of his own demons," Nicole says. Since then, Nicole has organized Christian's Team, raising more than $200,000 to support the Samaritans efforts on suicide prevention.

After her cousin's death Nichole got help from a Samaritan's support group because coping with a loss from suicide is different than losing someone to illness or an accident. "Because you're left with so many unanswered questions, so many whys and so much guilt and just so many different types of emotions," Nicole says.

Christian's Team
Christian's Team (Courtesy Photo)

On Saturday, about 50 friends and family on Christian's Team will join thousands of others to walk to fight suicide. "I hope we can help save another person's life from ending by suicide, and that others who are in despair know Samaritans are available. You can call them 24/7. You can text them. They're like angels on earth that are there to help and all of their services are free," she says.

And Christian will be on all of their minds. "I know he's looking down at my family and he's really happy in all that we've done in his name," Nicole says.

Local Suicide Support:
Samaritans 24-hour Help Line: 877-870-HOPE (4673)
Local (Talk with someone anonymously.)
Samaritans Boston (24-hour Help Line): 617-247-0220
Samaritans Framingham (24-hour Help Line): 508-875-4500
Samaritans of Merrimack Valley: 866-912-4673

Samariteens (teen line): 800-252-TEEN (8336) (3 pm-9 pm weekdays, 9 am-9 pm weekends)
Samaritans of Merrimack Valley Teen Helpline: 978-688-TEEN (8336) (6 pm-9 pm weekdays, 3 pm-9 pm weekends)
Samaritans online teen support (IM Hear_): Massachusetts high school students get support through instant messaging, available on Monday through Thursday nights from 6 pm to 9 pm EST at

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