Sam Adams Brewery Criticized By Homemade Sign Hung Next Door
BOSTON (CBS) -- A sign saying "Shame!" and "Sam Adams [hearts] Trump" hanging on a home in Jamaica Plain can be seen from the doorstep of the Sam Adams brewery. The sign appeared the same week a Massachusetts mayor vowed to never drink the beer again.
Sam Adam's founder Jim Koch has come under after supposedly complimenting President Donald Trump and thanking him for the tax cut at a dinner for business owners. When Jeremy Phillips and his 15-year-old son Julian Kennedy saw a video of the toast, they were "outraged," called Koch a hypocrite, and took it out by making the sign.
"Given where we live, which is right next to the brewery tour -- they brew in Ohio and whatever else -- but this tour brings in thousands of people and we thought we could help them have some awareness that this is what they are supporting," said Phillips.
He believes the sign speaks for itself. He is also aware that it could cause a stir and promote Trump supporters to drink more of Koch's beer. "But for the folks who aren't aware that he went to this dinner and made those statements...then maybe they'll make a different choice and we can see some impact on his bottom line."
Phillips is hoping for an apology from the Sam Adams founder who, he acknowledges, helps out and cares about the Boston community. In a sense, that is why Phillips and his son are angry.
"It's a whole other degree of hypocrisy, like who do you really support?" Phillips said. "You can't have it both ways: you can't do a pride event one day and then go to that administration and kiss the man's feet when he is actively, actively damaging LGBTQ people's lives."
Julian echoed his father. He hopes the brewery changes their ways and takes "the profit that [Koch] is gaining from that whatever tax cut and actually use that to make good donate it to organizations fighting this administration."
The attention they have received from the sign has been "an exciting and also enlightening experience for both of us. We've never really been in the public eye in this way before," Julian said.
Phillips and Julian are calling for a boycott and they aren't the only ones. Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone tweeted Sunday that he would never drink Sam Adams beer again. He also asked if Koch "expressed any concern for the families separated under his cruel and inhumane immigration enforcement policy?"
The father and son want this clear, though: "We don't want to destroy his business, we want him to learn and come to a different conclusion."