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Sail Boston Security Is Tight

BOSTON (CBS) -- There were no major issues on day one of Sail Boston, and that may be because the event had enhanced security, the kind you find at the airport.

The thousands of people visiting the harbor area to watch the ships went through checkpoints and saw plenty of police on hand.

The event even received the Department of Homeland Security's highest risk designation, even higher than the Boston Marathon.

Sail Boston visitor Katherine Sheehan says it wasn't a problem.

"We got thru with a breeze no problem really fast. We appreciate them being down here," Sheehan said.

"You look out at the harbor, they have people patrolling. They have dogs patrolling. Like you said, they've been prepared," Sail Boston visitor Josh Steele said.

Dump trucks even blocked the streets and Boston Police K-9 units were everywhere.

Most of the people are glad for the increased security. Sail Boston visitor Bob Beperon says law enforcement isn't kidding.

"I think it's good. I think it's awesome and they mean business.  So definitely, if you're coming and have big backpacks, don't fool around. It think they mean business and that makes us more secure as well," Bob Beperon said

The Sail Boston security measures were put in place after months of planning between local, state and federal agencies. They have their presence on the ground and in the water.

Boston Police Commissioner Bill Evans says the security made for a pleasant day.

"All and all I thought it was a great day. You know we had over 50 ships from 13 different countries I don't think it could have went any better," Evans said.

Evans says there were no arrests or major incidents during day one. He's asking visitors for continued cooperation while the ships remain docked in the harbor.

"I think come into the city as you've seen those ships were majestic today. They're great to see. So there's four more days of viewing and again as we proved today there's no threats out there no one should be afraid," Evans said.

A lot of the road blocks have been removed, but if you're coming into the city, police say to leave your backpacks at home. Police also say that if you want to tour one of the ships, you will still have to pass through a security checkpoint.

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