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Vandal Spray Paints 'White Lives Matter' On Boston Business

BOSTON (CBS) - A vandal hit a Roxbury business that is trying to help black entrepreneurs just days before its spring opening.

The owners of Black Market say unfortunately, they were not surprised when they spotted "white lives matter" scrawled across the back of their building.

Black Market hosts a variety of African American vendors. Their goal is to help local black businesses grow and eventually open up in vacant Dudley Square spaces.

The owners, both longtime Roxbury residents, say they have been prepared for something like this since they opened last year, but they refuse to let this stop them from trying to help their community.

"For us to have this happen at this particular juncture it's concerning," said Kai Grant. "We're not going to live in fear. We are members of this community. We're here. We're not going anywhere. This is my neighborhood. How dare you come and deface property in my neighborhood."

In just the last year Black Market says it's helped generate $400,000 for 150 different vendors.

Boston Police are trying to determine if the incident is a hate crime. Mayor Marty Walsh tells WBZ the city is working with the owners to get the building cleaned up.

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