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'They're tough,' Daughters join Methuen mom in roller derby league

Game night means roller derby for Methuen mom and daughters
Game night means roller derby for Methuen mom and daughters 01:48

METHUEN - When Heather Faretra watched a roller derby game for the first time seven years ago, she was hooked. "I said, I want to play that!"

So, the Methuen woman joined the New Hampshire Roller Derby League, which has close to 50 members.

"I guess I'm not terrible because I still get to play, but it's fun and it's also a great community," said Heather. 

Heather Faretra (center) and her daughters, Hannah and Amelia, will play their first roller derby game together on August 6. CBS Boston

This year, she's joined in the league by her daughters Hannah and Amelia. 

Eighteen-year-old Amelia explained, "My derby name is Eliza Jamilton; she is Stormy Heather; and then my older sister is Hannibal Wrecked-Her."

They're scheduled to play in a game together for the first time on August 6, a moment Heather has been waiting for. 

"I'm kind of getting to an age where my knees don't recover as quickly as they used to," said Heather. "I was determined to hold on long enough that we could all play together for one season."

"She was coaching our Juniors' team and everything so we've done all the roller derby stuff together, but especially getting to play with my sister is really fun. It's been fun trying to knock each other down and everything," said Amelia. 

When asked about taking part in such a physical sport with her children, Heather said, "People say, 'How can you do that?' and I like knowing that they're tough. I like knowing that they can hold their own, so I love it."

In fact, she says, behind those bumps and falls, there's always a show of support, whether you're on opposing teams or in the same family. 

"It seems like everyone is always fighting or whatever, but everyone is always helping each other off the ground and we have a great after party after every game," said Heather.

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