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Roger Goodell: DeflateGate Ended 'Quite A Long Time Ago' For NFL

BOSTON (CBS) -- DeflateGate may finally be over in the eyes of many in New England now that Tom Brady has given up his legal battle with the NFL and will serve his four-game suspension. But if you ask NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, it's been over for a long time.

New York Post football writer Bart Hubbuch, who battled Patriots fans on Twitter and repeatedly criticized the team throughout DeflateGate, tweeted Monday night that he asked Goodell for a reaction to Brady accepting his suspension, to which Goodell reportedly replied: "We moved on from that as a league quite a long time ago."

The last appeal hearing with NFL and NFLPA lawyers took place on March 3 and Brady's suspension was reinstated on April 26. Assuming the league immediately stopped all dealings with DeflateGate on those exact dates, that's as far back as Goodell could possibly go to mark when the NFL "moved on" from the matter.

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