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Roche: Thoughts On Theo

BOSTON (CBS) - Here's how I think things are playing out when it comes to the future of both Theo Epstein and the Boston Red Sox.

First of all, I think all the stories about John Henry wanting to give Theo the boot are absurd. John Henry loves what Theo has done in his time in Boston. I think Theo did have an interest in the Cubs for two good reasons...

1) The intrigue of being the one guy to break two long curses in two great baseball cities.

2) The possibility of getting his family away from the tough lifestyle of Boston. It can't be easy being the GM in this town. His wife is quiet to begin with, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind a change.

Once Cubs owner Tom Ricketts asked for permission to speak with Theo I think it was over. Theo is the type of person that can wow you in an interview. Ricketts also came to Fenway last June and saw the operation first-hand. Saw the ballpark, the operation, etc. He wants this in Chicago. Wrigley field can be beautiful. Some day. It needs the 10-year plan that Fenway got. The Cubs organization can also use an overhaul from top to bottom and bottom to top. Theo will do that.

Meanwhile, John Henry has a sense of loyalty towards Theo. If Theo wants this....really wants this...then John will let it happen.

After that, Ben Cherington will likely take over as Red Sox GM.

So, when the dust has settled I think we will see what John Henry alluded to recently. The shelf life for a manager and general manager in Boston is not too long. Both appear to have run their course and it's time for a change.

The question is........will this be the beginning of the end of this incredible run of success for the Boston Red Sox? Or, will this simply mark a re-shuffling of the organization as the Sox head toward many more years of play-offs and World Series runs like the Yankees have done many times.

Should be fascinating to watch unfold.

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