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Roche: Give Bedard A Break

BOSTON (CBS) - Just some quick baseball thoughts on this beautiful Wednesday in New England...

  • Amazed at how quickly judgement has been passed on newly acquired starter Erik Bedard. He deserves to come in with a clean slate, don't you think? He hasn't pitched in a game yet for Boston and he's already been deemed unworthy of the number three spot in the rotation. Not fair. And, it's the first week of August! So many things can and will happen between now and then. We'll see injuries, players coming ang going, etc. Relax people.
  • Keep an eye on the waiver wire this month. You never know whether a starter, reliever, or a right-handed bat could sneak through to Boston.
  • The combination of Jason Varitek and Jarrod Saltalamacchia has been quite the success. In a place that can show very little patience, Salty has been solid all the way around.
  • Jonathan Papelbon is throwing as well as we've ever seen him throw.


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