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Roche: Bruins At The White House

WASHINGTON (CBS) - I feel bad for anybody not named Tim Thomas on the Boston Bruins.

First off, I think it's entirely fine that Tim Thomas did not attend the Bruins trip to the White House here in DC on Monday. If Tim chooses not to go for whatever reason, that's OK by me. His loss.

What I don't like him doing is him telling us why. I don't need to know what your political opinions are. It's up to you.

Unfortunately, the Tim Thomas story overshadowed the day for the Bruins as far the media goes.

When Manny Ramirez missed the Sox trip, I didn't care either. I feel bad for Tim and Manny because they missed a fun day. Period. They missed out on a cool event.

But, now that Tim Thomas released a statement the Bruins felt a need to respond. And, this could get stupid.

Advice time: Let it Go!

Move on and play hockey. There are too many other problems for us to waste time on this.

Beyond that, it was very cool. I loved being at the White House. It was an honor to be in the Press briefing room, the East Room, and the Diplomatic room. I also got to do my reports from the CBS location out on the front lawn. A thrill and honor.

The President's remarks were also nice. Loved the "ball of hate" remark on Marchand. He did too! And then asking Mark Recchi if he drank too much after winning the Cup. Funny.

The Bruins were also great after the ceremony, were all thrilled to have been here for the day,

So in the end, it was a great day for the Bruins organization Tim Thomas or no Tim Thomas.

And lastly, don't think about Tim Thomas any differently. Still a good guy and still a brilliant goaltender. As long as he keeps stopping pucks then Bruins fans will love him.

Time to move on......

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