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Roche: Be Thankful Boston Fans

After watching the Patriots dismantle the Steelers, the Celtics take it to the Heat, the Bruins get off to the start they have, and the Sox win 89 games despite their ridiculous amount of injuries it made me realize how special this city is.

Why? One  word: team.

The Patriots proved they are human beings by simply having a "bad day at the office" on a Sunday in Cleveland. They came out with zero emotion and played like it. All signs pointed to a proverbial trap game and it was.

How did they respond? With one of their best performances we've ever seen. And, it was done from top to bottom as a team. Bill Belichick and his staff came up with a perfect game plan that allowed the Pats to play to their strengths on offense and defense. The quarterback had one of the best games of his careers. He was sharp on the field and offf. He was a leader as he reminded his team about "the Patriot way". The young players learned a valuable lesson against the Browns and bounced back accordingly. The team was as focused as we've ever seen. It was special to watch.

Meanwhile, the Celtics continue to get zero love nationally. I was amazed last postseason at how all the talk was about "D-Wade and the Heat" vs Boston, "Lebron and the Cavs vs Boston", and "Kobe and the Lakers vs Boston". All the Celtics did was play as a team disposing of each team along the way. Even after the Celts topped Cleveland all the postgame talk was directed to Lebron and his pening free agency. The Celts came within a quarter of their second NBA Title in three seasons, but just fell short. And, they may have won it if not for a Game Six Finals injury to Kendrick Perkins. It was fun to watch the Big Green play as a team and care for each other on and off the court.

The Bruins have seemingly responded from a down year and look ready to contend for a Stanley Cup. It starts with Tim Thomas. The guy has been through more ups and downs than most pro atheletes yet he somehow finds a way to come out on top. Youbthen watch a team buy into Claude Julien's system and you realize that if they stay together we could have a lot of fun in April, May, and June.

As for the Sox? We've seen two examples of coming together as a team. 2004 will always go down as one of the greatest years in team history as a group of idiots forged together as a cohesive unit. Even down 0-3 to the mighty Yankees. And then last season we saw star after star go down yet Terry Francona's troops never stopped working hard. It was amazing to see rookies and career journeymen helping out in any way possible.

We can take it a step further with the success of BU and BC hockey. Both Jack Parker and Jerry York have showed howto win championships with special kids while making it all about the team.

T-E-A-M. We don't see that word stressed as much these days as it should be. I have always preached to my kids that there's nothing like being on a team. You learn so much about life that way. The ups and downs through practice, winning, and losing. And, I don't care if it's football, soccer, field hockey, basketball, baseball, theater, or music. Just find a way to be on a team.

I even saw two high school football games recently where opponents were helping each other up after plays. So maybe sportsmanship is coming back too(although that's a topic for another day).

I remember a pro athlete friend of mine telling me that he could go into a board meeting and easily identifying which people had played on a team before and those that hadn't.

And, right now in Boston we are spoiled to have what we have. Teams. No  me, me, me stuff. It's all about the team.

And, it's a pleasure to watch. Enjoy it.

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