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Car Crashes Through Bedroom Wall, Pinning 10-Year-Old Boy

REVERE (CBS) - Amine Mezghab showed off what used to be his bedroom.

"Everything is broken right now," he said.

Early Wednesday morning, the 10-year old was sleeping his bedroom in a basement apartment off North Shore Road in Revere.

"Boom it collapses and I have nothing," said Amine. "I am thinking there is a car and I need to evacuate my room."

A Volkswagen had veered off the road crashing into his bedroom.

His father, Farid, was praying in the next room.

"All of a sudden it was like a bomb," said Farid.

He charged into his son's room. "My dad super-charged in," said Amine.

Half of the Volkswagen was lodged in the room pinning Amine underneath. It came in just above his bottom bunk. He said gas was spraying everywhere.

"He took it as like nothing was in his way and he was like get out, get out, hold my hand," Amine said of his dad.

Farid pulled his son out. He tears up thinking about it. "'Are you OK daddy, are you OK,'" Farid said his son was asking. "I was like. I am OK. Are you OK?"

Both suffered neck injuries and cuts. Amine's mother and younger brother, who were in the other bedroom, were also checked out.

The driver of the car was taken to the hospital too. Police are still investigating the crash. It's the third time in a week-and-a-half that a car has raced off the road and into the parking lot or building.

The family said they are now moving.

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