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Marchand Faces No Supplemental Discipline For Clip On Emelin

BOSTON (CBS) -- A bad reputation won't warrant a suspension for Brad Marchand.

The B's winger was penalized for clipping Alexei Emelin in Montreal on Thursday night, a hit similar to Marchand's clip of Sami Salo in January that earned him a five-game suspension.

Marchand won't face the same fate this time, though, as Brendan Shanahan explained on Twitter that the offense was not suspendable.

"Like all penalties on the ice, not all 'clips' rise to the level of supplemental discipline," Shanahan said. "This check by Marchand was delivered to the upper thigh/hip and not the knee area. We don't like it, but not [supplemental discipline]."

A clipping call normally wouldn't lead to speculation regarding a disciplinary hearing, but given Marchand's history, it became a question. Marchand's hit came at the end of the second period.

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