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Red Sox Blog: Sox Will Miss Farrell

BOSTON (CBS) - I think anyone who's been around the Red Sox since 2007 would say the same thing about former pitching coach John Farrell: "Great guy. Smart. Has an unlimited future in the game of baseball."

John Farrell is the new manager of the Toronto Blue Jays. And, when he's done with that he'll be a GM some day. And, after that perhaps a team president. In other words, John Farrell can do whatever he wants. He's that talented.

Can't agree much more with John Henry, who e-mailed this to the Boston Globe:

"The Jays are getting a great baseball man and a great person. We were able to keep John as a part of our organization longer than a couple of other teams would have wanted, but it really is time for John to step up to the next level."

"He will be an effective, excellent manager.  I expect him to manage in MLB for as long as he wants to. He's going to an excellent young team with a strong and smart hierarchy. The Blue Jays are going to be a force in the AL East for some time to come. I am grateful for the years John Farrell gave to the Red Sox. He will be missed.''

John Farrell won't talk much about it, but from what I understand he was one of the big reasons why Jon Lester wasn't dealt to the Minnesota Twins as part of a package for Johan Santana (how'd that work out?). He has been huge in Lester's development, especially from a confidence angle. I think he believed in Lester more than Lester ever did. He feels the same way about Clay Buchholz and a lot of his pitchers.

Farrell also turned down other managerial opportunities the past few years because he felt that he made a commitment to Theo Epstein and the Red Sox and was going to keep it. Sure, the Sox would have let him go if he really pushed hard for it, but Farrell gave his word.

John Farrell's also a good family man. I think the majority of our conversations over the past four years have been about our kids.

And finally, my favorite John Farrell story came when Daisuke Matsuzaka made one of his first Fenway starts with the Red Sox in 2007.

Dice-K got himself in some of his normal trouble and loaded the bases.

Farrell went to the Sox translator and asked how to say some "key phrases" for when he went to the mound to calm him down.

Feeling confident, Farrell walked out to the mound, but said his mind went totally blank just before he reached the mound.

Farrell said Dice-K looked at him for some guidance, confidence, any words of encouragement.

Unfortunately, Farrell couldn't recall any Japanese, so he just started talking to Matsuzaka in English.

After 30 seconds or so, catcher Jason Varitek looked at Farrell and said, "He doesn't $%^&**& understand English!"

Farrell simply started laughing, patted Dice-K on the back and walked back to the dugout with a big smile on his face.

I wish John Farrell good luck and now know the Toronto Blue Jays have made one of their best moves in years.

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