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Randy Moss Says Heart Still In New England

BOSTON (CBS) - Randy Moss joined KFAN-AM in Minnesota Wednesday, and said his heart was still with the New England Patriots.

"If you asked me where my heart is, I think that just the success as a wide receiver and everything that the New England Patriots stand for," Moss said. "I'm a big fan of Bill Belichick's, I really am. Not just on the field but off the field. The little grouchy man that you see on camera is not the man you see off camera."

Listen: Randy Moss On KFAN-AM (Patriots talk starts around the 9:08 mark)

"If you ask me where my heart and where I'm happy is, I love Tom Brady and I love being coached by coach Bill Belichick," he said.

Moss, traded by the Patriots to the Minnesota Vikings during the season, would be open to a return to the Patriots this offseason.

Listen: Felger & Mazz Talk Randy Moss' Love For Patriots

"This is a business and people need to understand the nature of the business and not just the sport."

"I just like loyalty and I like good people around me and I want to get that back in return. Whoever wants me, I guess that's where I'm going to play at."

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