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Randolph Woman Fined For Traveling In HOV Lane With Doll

QUINCY (CBS) – A 30-year-old Randolph woman was fined for traveling in the High Occupancy Vehicle lane with just a doll in the car.

A trooper stopped the woman at about 7:45am Tuesday morning on I-93 in Quincy. The trooper found the doll secured in a car seat, and the driver was the only person in the car.

"Troopers over the years have confiscated mannequins resembling, a zombie was the most recent one I remembered," said Trooper John Carnell.

The woman told the trooper that she was on her to work and didn't want to wait in traffic.

To travel in the HOV lane, vehicles must have two or more occupants.

Read: HOV Rules

The woman was issued a $50 fine.

"It would be a surchargeable offense," said Trooper Carnell.

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