Randolph Officers Replace Presents Stolen During Boy's Birthday Party
RANDOLPH (CBS) – Randolph police officers surprised a young boy by replacing his presents after they were stolen during his birthday party.
In a Facebook post, Randolph Police said that 10-year-old William Behl's birthday presents were stolen last weekend during his party at Monster Mini Golf in Norwood.
The majority of Behl's gifts were taken from the party area while he and his friends were golfing.
Sgt. Richard Hughes heard Behl's story and decided to help replace the stolen gifts.
Behl and his mother came to the Randolph Police Department for a tour Thursday night.
At the end of the tour, officers surprised Behl with a cake along with gifts bought by officers and the Randolph Police Association.
Randolph Police said they were "honored" to be a part of Behl's birthday celebration.