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Rain In, Rain Out

The rain will be on and off for then next few days. In other words, keep those umbrellas within arms reach.

A warm front is producing a scattered rain this morning as it travels northward. We will be within the warm sector as we head into the afternoon.  Mainly cloudy conditions will prevail with the rain slowly sliding from northwest to southeast during the latter part of the day (after 2pm). The numerous showers will be joined by some downpours overnight tonight.

The cold front will stall near southeastern Massachusetts on Wednesday. Due to where the frontal boundary is going to stall and the wave of low pressure travelling northward along this boundary, rain will be steadiest south of the Mass Pike. However, we can't rule out a few showers for the entire viewing area. There may even be a break of sun during the midday hours if you live northwest of Boston.  Highs will return to mild territory in the 65-70F range.

Thursday will begin with a batch of rain departing from southeastern Massachusetts and leaving us under mostly cloudy skies.  Then, an upper level trough cuts off from the air flow and becomes an upper level, closed low. This will produce diurnal clouds as well as a small chance of pop-up afternoon shower/thunder on Thursday and Friday.  Highs on Thursday will be flirting with 70F,  Friday's highs will be in the middle to upper 60s.

Then, model solutions diverge on Saturday as to how fast the low will fill-in and begin to lift and move eastward. That being said, I left a slight chance of a pop-up shower in the forecast for Saturday.  I do expect Saturday to be rather dry though with a cloud/sun combo.  Highs will be between 60-65F. If the low departs more quickly and the winds shift, we could easily head into the 70s as opposed to the 60s.

Mother's Day looks fantastic as we are forecasting mostly sunny to partly cloudy skeis with highs in the middle 70s.

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