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Quincy Dedicates Corner To Marine Sergeant Daniel Dewey, One of Massachusetts 1st COVID Victims

QUINCY (CBS) - The City of Quincy has dedicated a permanent tribute to one of Massachusetts' first victims of COVID-19.

Marine Sergeant Daniel Dewey died on April 3, 2020, at the age of 76. He was among the first 250 victims of the virus from the state.

Daniel Dewey
Daniel Dewey. (WBZ-TV)

On Saturday, Quincy dedicated the corner of Sonoma Road and Essex Street in Squantum in Dewey's memory.

Daniel Dewey Square

"Everyone was real happy to see him recognized In this manner. He was always a big name in the community and always worked to help other people to do better in life," said Conor Quilty, his son-in-law.

Sergeant Dewey was appointed to the Massachusetts parole board by Gov. Bill Weld in 1993, and was that board's longest-serving member in state history.

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