Prime Time TV Gets Worser, Worser and Worser!!
With all the things going on in the world today, wouldn't ya think I'd have better things to talk about than prime time television? For example Barack Obama and his total blundering of our relationship with Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is going to have that "community organizer" for lunch. Yes there's also the assassination of four Americans in Libya on 9-11, including the U.S. Ambassador. An act of war? As far as I'm concerned it is, but clearly the "community organizer" doesn't know what to do about that one either and it becomes more and more apparent everyday, he should still be honing his skills trying to control greedy, unruly, radical school teachers in Chicago. Clearly Mayor Rhom-The-Thug can't handle it. But I digress.........
I forced myself......yes forced myself to watch the premiers of two new NBC sitcoms last night.......Matthew Perry (whom I loved in Friends) stars now in Go On. OMG. I think this is about the 4th time I've labeled a sitcom..."the worst I've ever seen." Matthew Perry should be embarrassed, the writers should be fired and NBC should be fined for mis-using America's time. (Yes I know, I'm holding the clicker.)
And then there's "The New Normal." Pathetic junk and a perfect example of why primetime television on the major networks is such a joke, with a dwindling, disappearing audience. God was that awful!!!