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President-Elect Trump Touches On Past, Future In 60 Minutes Interview

NEW YORK (CBS) -- It was must-see TV when not only Donald Trump but most of the Trump family sat down with 60 Minutes only days after the huge election win.

President-elect Trump revealed a realization of the enormous task ahead of him.

"It is so big. It's so enormous," Trump said. "I think I realized that this is a whole different life for me now."

Trump said he had pleasant conversations with both Hillary and Bill Clinton after the election. He doesn't regret the clashes on the campaign trail, though.

"I can't regret. I wish it were softer, I wish it were nicer. I wish maybe it was even more on policy," Trump said. "I will say that it really was something I'm very proud of. It was a tremendous campaign."

CBS's Lesley Stahl also asked the President-elect what type of Supreme Court justices he would like to appoint.

"They'll be pro-life, they'll be in terms of the whole gun situation ... everybody's talking about the Second Amendment and they're trying to dice it up and change it. They're going to be very pro-Second Amendment," Trump said.

He says many of the protesters who have taken to the streets are professional demonstrators. He had this to say about recent attacks against Muslim Americans and other people who have been targeted:

"I'm going to bring this country together. (Stahl:) They're harassing Latinos, Muslims, (Trump:) I am so saddened to hear that and I say stop it."

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