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Keller: Take a deep breath. Election 2024 will be over next month. Maybe.

Keller: Majority of Americans stressed by future of the country
Keller: Majority of Americans stressed by future of the country 02:17

The opinions expressed below are Jon Keller's, not those of WBZ, CBS News or Paramount Global.

BOSTON - A new survey finds the presidential campaign is stressing us out.

Young or old, Democrat or Republican, this election is proving to be an anxiety-generating machine, with a majority of Americans saying they're stressed.

As the moment of truth approaches, election-related stress is everywhere.

77% stressed out by future of nation

The survey by the American Psychological Association finds 77% of us say we're stressed out about the future of the nation, with the economy and the election outcome trailing close behind. 

WBZ-TV graphic CBS Boston

"What's striking about that is that both Democrats and Republicans are not that different," noted APA CEO Arthur Evans Jr.

"They don't surprise me," said WBZ-TV's Dr. Mallika Marshall.

Doctor's advice for political stress 

What's a stress sufferer to do?  

"You can go on social media and you can watch funny cat videos, but maybe stay away from the political and election things that might give you anxiety and do things instead that you really enjoy. So it could be reading, it could be going for a walk, spending time with friends and family, petting your dog," she says. 

Another tip - steer clear of toxic arguments with friends and family. 

"Conversations can turn ugly," said Dr. Marshall. "Things have gotten really nasty in the past few years. So my recommendation personally would be to try to avoid those situations." 

Politics has never been a pastime for the faint-hearted. But we've never seen anything in modern times like Jan. 6 and the widespread anxiety this election is causing. 

So take a deep breath, pet your dog or cat, and take solace in the fact that, sometime next month, it'll all be over with. 


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