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Police increase patrols at Revere Beach, Carson Beach amid expected heat wave

Police patrols at Revere Beach, Carson Beach to increase amid expected heat wave
Police patrols at Revere Beach, Carson Beach to increase amid expected heat wave 02:09

REVERE -- Runners and dog owners were out on Revere Beach earlier than usual on Tuesday to try and avoid the sweltering midday forecast. As people try to beat the heat, there are concerns about bad behavior on the beach. 

Massachusetts State Police expect Revere Beach and Carson Beach in South Boston to be packed in the coming days. 

There will be extra patrols on both beaches to make sure everyone is following the rules and staying safe. 

Earlier this year, police arrested dozens of people who swarmed both Revere and Carson beaches. 

"You see a lot of people drink on the beach, drugs, things of that nature," one man said. 

State Police hope the patrols will keep the area family-friendly. Residents told WBZ-TV they're grateful. 

"They've had a few incidents down here recently so I'm always glad to see the police down here," another man said on the beach.

"It does make a huge difference for our community to feel safe," said a woman. 

Revere Beach is also bustling with sculptors preparing for the annual international sand sculpting festival this weekend. 

Belgian sculptor Hanneke Supply said she isn't too worried about her art getting toppled.  

"A lot of security here, a lot of people watching, I think it's OK," she said. 

Her biggest challenge is trying to stay cool while working all day, every day carving her masterpiece. 

"I will be covered up to protect my skin from the sun. Also, this sand is pretty white so it reflects the sun as well, so I will be covered up," Supply said. 

To beat the heat be sure to drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen, don't leave pets or kids in the car, and make sure to check on elderly neighbors and family members. 

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