Police: No Known Threats Ahead Of Boston's July 4th Celebration
BOSTON (CBS) - The countdown is on for one of the best Fourth of July celebrations in the country, the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular.
Tens of thousands of people will pack the Esplanade on Monday night to celebrate Independence Day and police are committed to keeping everyone safe.
State Police Colonel Richard McKeon said, "there is no information indicating any known threat to the venue."
While final preparations are underway at the Esplanade, law enforcement is already shifting into high gear.
Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said, "we pull off the marathon every year, this is no different."
Every year it is a signature event for Boston, and every year, law enforcement keeps it safe. But in the midst of the annual joy that is the Fourth of July on the Esplanade, there is the reality of the world we live in, and that includes terrorism.
"We take all of that into consideration when we are making these plans and we're allocating resources. So we do have a very broad dedication of federal resources," said Matt Etre of Homeland Security.
Law enforcement is confident they have planned for every possibility, including a lone wolf attack.
"We do take the lone wolf aspect into consideration," said Colonel McKeon.
State Police Major Dan Risteen added, "I would say that the plan is so good that we factored that in, we factored in any changes. For example, If something were to happen today or tonight, I think I'm confident in the plan that we have put in place that we'd be able to pull off a good third of July and good Fourth of July."
The Fernandez family will watch the fireworks from a boat in the harbor.
"I think we're pretty safe with all the extra security, the cameras. The police check you out all the checkpoints," said Fausto Fernandez.
Saadia Bryant paused during her run to snap a photo of the preparations.
"It's (security) always in the back of your mind, but I am not going to let security fears stop from celebrating what is our birthday," said Bryant. "I am a Bostonite I have lived here forever. I love the Fourth of July. I think Boston does a great job with it."
WBZ-TV's Katie Brace contributed to this report.