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Plymouth Fireworks A Success One Year After Barge Mishap

PLYMOUTH (CBS) – Fire officials in Plymouth likely breathed a sigh of relief as fireworks went off without a hitch Tuesday night.

They spent the day double checking the fireworks barges as a part of a tweaked inspection procedure one year after a malfunction on board the town's Fourth of July fireworks barges led to a large fire.

Last year on Independence Day, a fireworks shell exploded inside a mortar tube, causing the barge to catch fire. No one was injured during the accident.

Plymouth Fire Chief Edward Bradley said the town is using Atlas, the company who put on the 2016 display, again this year.

"Their plan has always been good," said Bradley. "Unfortunately there was a problem with one of the shells last year, but because of their plan there were no injuries. Even trained professionals using fireworks is a little like walking a tiger on a leash. You take all the precautions, but it's explosives. There's always that possibility."

Firefighters made a slight change in their inspection this year. It included an officer from the fire marshal's office in addition to code enforcement members.

"They want to look at all the arraignments to make sure that everything is pointing in the right direction, all their wiring is correct, there is nothing exposed," said Chief Bradley.

This year's show lasted a little longer and had some enhanced fireworks to make up for last year, according to the chief.

"I think there was a lot of confusion, at first nobody really understood what exactly did happen," said Kathy Bracken.

"We're not here looking for a repeat. I think we knew that was a fluke and something that happens," said Rich Vannozzi.

The explosion and didn't keep people from getting their spots early Tuesday afternoon. And those that were there were not disappointed.

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