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Plymouth & Brockton Bus Cancellations Frustrate Cape Commuters

BOURNE (CBS) -- Julie Silvia's mornings start dark and early. She pours a cup of coffee, feeds her dog Rosie and she's out the door before 5 a.m.

For six years Julie, a Cape Cod resident, has been driving to the Sagamore Park and Ride, boarding the Plymouth & Brockton bus to Boston and taking the Green Line to her job at Boston Children's Hospital. Although, constant cancellations by the P&B have made it tough.

"I've missed meetings on the way in, I've definitely missed meetings. They had blamed that on drivers having seasonal work that is more lucrative, well, it's September, late September and they're still canceling," Julie explained.

Cancellations, delays, and overcrowding are just some of the P&B's problems. Julie says the new ticketing system only causes confusion.

"They'll scan a 10-ride pass and the next day I'll still have 10 or I'll have zero, it's bizarre."

Julie told WBZ-TV after months of looking for jobs on the Cape, she realized she'd have to commute into Boston if she wanted to keep her salary. With no commuter rail service on the Cape, she began taking the bus. Except now, she and others feel the P&B is taking advantage of riders and the little options they have for commuting.

"The 5:30 bus didn't show up a week ago," said Cape Cod resident and fellow commuter Kathy Langmeyer. "We all stood here like idiots."

Like Julie, Kathy prefers taking the local P&B rather than driving to the Kingston or Middleborough Commuter Rail where she would pay parking fees but says she ultimately pays the price in wasted time.

"Last night the 6:15 bus didn't show up, I left work at quarter of 6. It got there at 8:30. This is ridiculous, it happens all the time," Langmeyer told WBZ.

The company's Vice President, Chris Anzuoni, provided the following statement:

"While we regret the necessity to have canceled several scheduled trips, due to a recent shortage of available bus drivers, we are embarking on an aggressive campaign to recruit and train additional drivers. We are constantly looking for ways to enhance the passenger experience, which is why we now offer online ticketing and free Wi-Fi. We are committed to remaining the first choice for travelers looking for safe, reliable, stress-free travel between Boston and Cape Cod."

"Stop saying sorry. I don't want to hear sorry anymore I want to know that there's a solution coming.They're not always going to have this control over us," Silvia told WBZ.

"Get your act together, it's that simple," said  Langmeyer as she boarded the next bus to Boston.

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