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Snow To Make Mess Of Wednesday Morning Commute

BOSTON (CBS) - If you find yourself missing the snow after it was quickly and completely wiped out this weekend, you are in luck! Another widespread, plowable snow event is on the way for most of southern New England.

It won't be all that impressive as winter storms go around here - no "bombogenesis", no "blizzard" no "nor'easter" chatter this time. In fact, there won't really be much wind and certainly no coastal concerns this go around.

The main impact this time - snow. A quick burst of it, making a mess of Wednesday morning's commute and likely cancelling school once again for lots of towns.


Some light snow will develop from the Berkshires to Concord, New Hampshire during the evening hours Tuesday, but for most of us in southern New England, the snow will hold off until overnight.

Expect snow to arrive between 3-to-5 a.m. across much of the region, ramping up just in time for the morning commute Wednesday.

The "height" of the storm will be from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m., with snow tapering off in intensity and coverage between 3 and 5 p.m.

The cleanup can begin for many by mid-afternoon.

How Much:

5-8": The "jackpot" for this storm will be to the north and west of 495, including Lawrence to Lowell to Worcester and all areas west through southern New Hampshire and Vermont.

3-5": Boston to Providence and areas northwest through 495 (including the Route 128 belt). Heavier, wetter snow in this region.

1-3": South and east of Boston/Providence including all of inland, southeastern Mass. (Plymouth and Bristol counties) Very heavy, wet snow mixed with some rain.

Nothing: Cape Cod and Islands, mainly rain

Next Up – January Thaw Part 2

Once again, the snow won't be sticking around for long.

Temperatures will rise into the 40's on Saturday and 50's on Sunday and our next storm looks like rain early next week.

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