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Plenty of Sunshine For Many Days...Time to Debunk the Myths!

It's Cloudy...I can not get a sunburn.

Wrong!  The clouds may filter out a tiny proportion of the rays, but the clouds do not completely protect you.  Harmful UV rays which cause skin cancer continue to penetrate through the clouds.

I have  dark skin, No sunscreen for me!

 While  darker skin does make you less vulnerable to the sun's rays... no one is completely immune and all skin is vulnerable to age and damage. It is still a good idea to apply some protection and to moisturize to prevent those dreaded wrinkles if you care about that kind of stuff. I admit it...I use moisturizer!

Brown is Good, Red is bad.

There is the perception that a golden brown tan is good or healthy looking. While the look of the red lobster is so passe and painful looking. As a kid, I used to rock the Red Lobster look frequently. It worked great with the ladies! The fact is when your skin turns brown it is your body's reaction to the damage done by UV rays. Any change in your skin colour is your body reacting to the sun's harmful effects – It's a warning from you body that you need to do a better job protecting it.. My burnt skin used to shed like a snake. I remember pulling blisters from my nose! The sunscreen awareness just was not around when I was a kid as I constantly inhaled second hand smoke from my parents and grandparents. Good times.

The Red will Turn to Brown Quickly. 

That still still does not change the fact that you will have  damaged your skin and accelerated the chance of wrinkles, as well as increasing your chances of skin cancer. The only way to go safely brown is to cover yourself  with tan out of a bottle...but even then you will look orange!

My moisturizer has SPF so I do not need sunscreen –

We have all for fallen for this one. It may protect you for an hour or two...but to be effective these sunscreens and moisturizers need to be applied a few times a day.

Sunbeds are safe from UV rays

Wrong! Sunbeds emit the same UV rays as the sun, and therefore carry the same risks.  Not a good idea if you want to look good years down the road.

When in the water, I do not need sunscreen

The sun's rays easily penetrate water. It is best to put sunscreen on well before you go into the water so it can be absorbed, then dry yourself off and reapply whenever you get out.

Hair on my head protects my scalp.

For those blessed with thick are all set. Those of us with thinning to wear a hat for protection.

Men have stronger skin. Sunscreen is for "Girlie Man."

 Applying sun screen and lotions is not the most macho of activities. This I understand. But Male skin obviously is just as vulnerable to the sun's UV rays as female.  Just go to Fenway park on a bright sunny day and look at all the red roasted guys wishing they had used a little sunscreen.

The sun is strong right now...and there is plenty of it coming our way for the rest of July.

Dont' forget to Slip, Slap, Slop.

Slip on a hat. Slap on some sunglasses. Slop on the sunscreen!

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