Pizza Shops Prepare For Busy Super Bowl Sunday
BOSTON (CBS) - Pizza shops and other takeout restaurants are ramping up for a flood of expected orders on Super Bowl Sunday. It'll take plenty of precision and timing in the kitchen to feed the hungry fans.
At Pino's Pizza in Brighton, owner Norman Osmani says he's ready. Though he's been through 22 Super Bowls, he expects this one will be the busiest. "It won't be easy but we have to deal with it, keep going," he said.
He'll have triple the amount of dough on hand as he expects to make anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 pizzas. Hands will work like lightning to meet the orders that have already started pouring in.
WBZ-TV's Beth Germano reports
"We have calls about what time we're closing, what time we'll open, are we taking orders for the Super Bowl." He expects to start his day at four o'clock Sunday morning to make sure he's prepared.
It's the same story at Wingz Express in Brighton where owner Jonathan Lake already has 16-hundred pounds of wings in the refrigerator ready to go. Planning ahead, he says, is the most difficult part of his game plan. "I'm worried about everything. Do I have enough food, do I have too much food. Do I have enough drivers?", he said.
He'll have at least eight drivers handling takeout, double the usual number and hopes to keep within a 45 minute to one hour delivery time. "Be prepared, it's going to be strenuous," he says is the message he's given his employees.
It'll be a running game in the kitchens, but the establishments hope to stay ahead of the game.