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Peyton Manning Calls Backup Report 'Insulting' And 'BS' - Sort Of Like Everything The National Media Says About Him

BOSTON (CBS) -- Peyton Manning better watch his mouth if he wants Santa to bring him any presents this year. Christmas doesn't come for spoiled brats who use naughty language.

Kidding aside, Manning was clearly as upset as he's ever been over a story about him, when he told ESPN's Jeff Legwold after Sunday's loss to the Steelers that the latest report on him was "bull-[expletive]" and "insulting." He specifically told Legwold that he could go on the record with those comments, adding "I can't say it any plainer than that."

The report in question came from the NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, who said on the NFL Network Sunday morning that Manning was not happy being the backup quarterback to Brock Osweiler. That should not be a shock to anyone, but Rapoport said that the situation is more serious than that. Without making any direct claims, Rapoport insinuated that Manning was not only unhappy with being a backup but expressed such complaints to the Broncos front office. Rapoport said it may have led to Manning being inactive on Sunday instead of the second-string QB. Click here to read a full transcript of Rapoport's comments.

John Elway swiftly responded to the report, tweeting that no such conversation ever took place between him and Manning, Osweiler, or Gary Kubiak.

On Manning's situation and reports surrounding it, Kubiak added: "That's sad to hear. I'm going to tell you what: Hell no, no way. OK? ... He's working his tail off to get back on the field, that's what he's doing."

You may already be familiar with how I feel about Peyton Manning - more specifically, how the national media treats him with kid gloves. Peyton's camp too often feels like it's running a protection racket with ESPN and most other national outlets.

Despite Peyton having so many apologists and lackeys doing his bidding in the media, it's hard not to be on Peyton's side in this case. Nobody should think Peyton wants to be anything but the starting QB for the Broncos. No QB ever wants to be a backup, let alone a future Hall-of-Famer who has never been a backup to anyone ever. But Rapoport's supposed "bull-[expletive]" report took it a step forward and implied dissension between Peyton and the Broncos organization, or that Peyton specifically told Kubiak and/or Elway that he expects to be the starter once he's healthy.

There's no way to know if that conversation really happened, but Rapoport never specifically said that it did. This all just amounts to speculation based on obvious facts (that Peyton Manning doesn't want to be a backup). The concern now should not be whether this latest report has any truth to it, but what kind of insulting BS the national media comes out with in response.

For instance, there better not be a single report claiming that Peyton is "willing to do anything to help the team." There better not be columns about Peyton's willingness to "help groom Brock Osweiler" or "transition to backup." There sure as hell better not be any reports claiming that Peyton accepted the backup role to be a "good teammate." But the national media's ball-washing of everything Manning has gotten so ridiculous over the years, it wouldn't be much of a surprise to see these words put to print.

You may get angry at my speculation on what the media might do or accuse me of having a New England bias. You may deride me for criticizing someone for something they haven't done yet. Yes, as a lifelong New Englander, I'm obviously going to back Tom Brady in the Manning vs. Brady "debate." But I objectively believe that Peyton physically doesn't have what it takes anymore to be a productive starter in the NFL. And the national media's relentless lipstick-on-a-pig treatment of everything remotely negative that has ever happened in Peyton's career is something I can't wait to be gone from sports media forever.

This time, I'm preemptively venting my frustration. Tony Dungy has already said the Broncos need Peyton back to get back to the Super Bowl, and Trent Dilfer already said that the Broncos will ride a healthy Peyton to Santa Clara, conveniently ignoring how poorly he had played before his injury. These are just two prominent examples of a loose collective that is dedicated to protecting the sanctity of Peyton's squeaky-clean career.

The apoplectic reaction to Rapoport's comments is yet another example of the Perpetual Peyton Manning Excuse Machine (PPMEM), and I'm just waiting patiently until the first asinine takes roll in. Who's going to be the first to say that Peyton is not only willing to be the backup QB but actually wants to? Who's going to be the first TV station to run some B-roll of Peyton with a clipboard going over plays with Osweiler? Who's going to be the one with the gall to martyrize Peyton and claim he voluntarily gave Osweiler the starting job?

It's encouraging to see many in the media, at least, acknowledging the no-brainer that Peyton doesn't want to be a backup. And there's nothing wrong with Peyton feeling that way. It's when the media minions go too far in the opposite direction with these Peyton stories that it gets insufferable. There hasn't been any noticeable blowing of smoke up our skirts with this latest report - yet - but perhaps they're simply sharpening their knives and saving the deepest cuts for Tuesday.

No, the national media hasn't yet spewed another firehose of duplicitous Peyton nonsense after this latest report. Because they know deep down that Peyton obviously doesn't want to be a backup. But considering it's Peyton we're talking about, I'm expecting another wave of insulting BS.

Matt Dolloff is a writer for His opinions do not necessarily reflect that of CBS or 98.5 The Sports Hub. Read more from Matt here. Follow him on Twitter @mattdolloff and email him at

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