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Permit Holders Demand Refund After Plovers Close Part Of Duxbury Beach

DUXBURY (CBS) -- People in Duxbury are fighting back against a decision to shut down part of their beach.

The piping plover, a threatened shorebird on the federal and state endangered species lists is nesting there.

And until the eggs hatch - whole stretches are off limits.

Beachgoers who spent hundreds of dollars on a permit are now demanding a refund.

On Wednesday, a group of residents gathered at Town Hall to deliver a signed letter to Town Manager Rene Read.

The letter has been signed by 600 sticker holders.

"The town knew that the beach was going to be closed but continued to sell beach permits to people as late as yesterday," Bruce Fenton said.

Starting Friday night, public access will be restricted to Duxbury Beach, Duxbury Beach Park (Blakeman's) and all parking areas will be closed.

Vehicle access in the area will also be limited and the beach may be closed at any time to protect the birds.

The town of Duxbury requires beach goers buy a beach parking sticker to access the beach. Those stickers range in price from $80 to $160, a year, for residents and are $295 for non-residents.

Town leaders say they are talking about what can be done for sticker holders.

"It's something we're looking into," Read said.

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