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Wilfork Talks Miami Scandal; Doesn't Want To Be Distraction

BOSTON (CBS) - New England Patriots defensive lineman Vince Wilfork addressed the media for the first time since he was named in a Yahoo sports article about the University of Miami booster scandal.

Wilfork allegedly took money and received gifts from booster Nevin Shapiro while he was at the University of Miami. He was one of many athletes that were named.

Read: Report: Wilfork Got Gifts From Miami Booster

This is what he had to say in his first public statement:

"It's tough," said Wilfork, who attended Miami from 2001-2003. "But you know what? I released a statement a couple days ago, and that's where I'm at with it. I'm going to move forward. I'm done with that situation. I'm just focused on my football career. One thing I don't want to do is be a distraction to this team, to this organization. I won't be that. My teammates stuck behind me 100-percent, my family, the organization. I'll move forward. I'm definitely towards the Detroit Lions now and it feels good to be around a great group of guys. It feels real good."

Player Profiles: Vince Wilfork

When the story broke last week, Wilfork released this statement via his twitter account:

"I am aware of the report that has claims that involve me while at the U. While the NCAA and the U conduct their investigations [my wife] and I believe that it is not appropriate for us to comment."

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