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Patriots Release Could Be Turning Point

[photogallerylink id=46400 align=right]On Tuesday night's show, D.A. discussed the impact and implications of what he called an 'emotional release' shown by the Patriots in Monday night's win over the Dolphins.

"The story of last night is the emotional release of this team in the waning moments of last night's 41-14 victory.  I'll tell you this: it was truly, truly as emotional as you will see this team and this head coach in any type of circumstance.  For a button-down franchise and an even more button-down head coach, for a guy that is seemingly cold or emotionless or businesslike or all of the adjectives you could throw at the Patriots or Belichick, last night was a release.  And last night, when you had Brady coming to the sidelines on the timeout, going "bleep yeah, bleep yeah," when you have Belichick high-fiving Matt Patricia, …Belichick going down the bench and smacking everybody, Wilfork and Brady having a moment—there was a release there."

I thought that release said something about the team… More than anything though, it was a release suggesting, symbolizing an embattled team, and embattled coach in some regards, that had heard the criticism and internalized the criticism, because it was legitimate.  He challenged the squad, they responded, but it also, I thought, spoke to a yes, a yes moment, because they knew that it had been shaky… Is this a turning point for the team?  I don't know, it's too early to say.  Could it be?  Sure, it could be."

D.A. is right on the money; the way that the Patriots responded to criticism is a huge statement to their critics, their fan base, and the NFL itself.  A game with this kind of magnitude could have a significant impact on the rest of the season, but the Pats (and their critics) will continue to take things week by week.

D.A. Show Recap by Chelsea Frajerman

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