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Watch A Patriots Fan Describe His Surreal Encounter With Roger Goodell In A Maine Supermarket

BOSTON (CBS) -- It's a wonder Roger Goodell even shows his face in New England these days.

Not that he doesn't have the right to go wherever he wants, of course he does - but it takes some serious chutzpah to go out in busy public places near his Maine summer home with the kind of heckling and harassment he could endure from angry Patriots fans.

The man in the above video, named Mike Marcello, recently spotted Goodell shopping with his wife at a Hannaford's in Scarborough, Maine. Marcello, a sales director at a Maine radio station, retells the incident complete with reenactments.

The most surreal part, according to his account, is when he walked up to Goodell and started chanting "Free Brady!" He claims other people joined him in the chant. In Maine, anything is possible.

"I had two choices: continue on my way in life, or go there. So I decided to go there," he says in the video. Goodell eventually fled the store with his wife, presumably while everyone applauded Marcello for his heroic and noble act. He says he didn't hear again about his actions until everyone was telling him about a "crazy guy in Hannaford's" that turned out to be him.

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Problem is, this surreal little moment won't change anything that's happened in the DeflateGate debacle. Goodell is still the Commissioner and Tom Brady is still at risk of a suspension.

But on the bright side, Goodell did have to deal with maybe the quintessential obnoxious New England fan. We're talking picture-in-the-dictionary quintessential. Patriots haters will find it rude; fans will find it harmless. Even if you don't believe the story or find it corny, at least the guy is sticking up for TB12.

Goodell already has police watching his summer home and planes flying "Free Brady" banners over him, and now he's not even safe at the supermarket. Call it harassment, call it schadenfreude, call it whatever you want. But If Goodell can get a first-hand account of how insane this whole story is making us, that's a win in Patriots Nation.

Matt Dolloff is a digital producer for and shameless Patriots honk. Read more from Matt here and follow him on Twitter @mattdolloff.

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