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Patriots Blog: Overtime Prediction

INDIANAPOLIS (CBS) -  I started this by thinking that the Pats were going to lose on Sunday.

The Giants started out as the underdogs but they sure don't feel like that.

My problem, though, is they wouldn't shut up.

Guys chirped and put up bulletin board material for the Pats early.

As that was going on, the Pats became more relaxed and they seem to impress people more with their quiet confidence.

No bravado for them.

Watching Rob Gronkowski will be something to pay attention to, but I just get the feeling the contingency plan is in place and the Pats are ready to roll with it.

Get ready for a Super Bowl that's headed to overtime, where the Patriots win, 30-27.

There has never been a Super Bowl that's gone to overtime.


There is no access to the players Friday and the rest of this Super Bowl weekend, until the game is over.

In the three days we have been able to talk to the Patriots, they are as loose as they have been all season long.

That also goes for Bill Belichick.

It's very different from 2008, when there seemed to be so much pressure surrounding the team and everyone was tight.

From top to bottom, this is a loose and confident bunch.

Belichick is smiling and joking and that has trickled down to the players.

The one thing everyone is going to pay attention to Friday is the practice report.

If Rob Gronkowski practices again that is really good news.

It means his ankle responded positively and he is ready to go.


Here are some flavor items for those coming to Indy.

If you plan on buying "beverages" for the big game, do it before Sunday.

Indiana has a blue law which prohibits the sale of alcohol on Sunday.

Right now stores are selling beverages at a record pace.

People don't know how much they need for their parties, but they don't want to get caught short.

Also for you smokers, you can smoke inside the bars, depending on the county ordinances.

Some place are yes and other are no.

Get a good feel if you need that nicotine.

Going outside though won't be a problem.  It has actually been beautiful here.

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