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One More Day...

The offshore, pesky coastal low will finally start to budge later today. Overall, today will be somewhat murky, but areas north and west can expect brighter skies later this afternoon and evening. 

Coastal areas will hang onto the cloud cover.  Winds will continue to be gusty from the NNE. This will need to be watched in terms of some beach erosion and minor coastal flooding along the Cape and Islands.  Highs will be in the 50s along the coast while interior locales will have highs between 60-65F. 

Watch Melissa's forecast:

A ridge starts to build Thursday and conditions will slowly improve for the Cape and Islands.  Highs will be warmer inland as they approach the middle and upper 60s... 50s for the coast.   Partly cloudy skies will be around forFriday along with highs in the middle and upper 60s... 50s on the coast.

This Weekend: 

We are watching a backdoor cold front and a stationary front that appears to stall north and west of the majority of our viewing area.   Friday evening, a backdoor cold front will be swinging through southern New England, but it's lacking moisture so I left it as the culprit for more cloud cover as opposed to a rainy event. 

Otherwise, it looks like we will have a cloud/sun mix this weekend.  With a stalled front to our northwest, the best chance of rain will be for those of you who reside in the north and west suburbs.  We will need to watch this closely as the rain could affect all of us if the  front comes closer than depicted this morning. Highs will be near 60F all weekend.

Melissa :)

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